7. Galenus Workshop in Frankfurt a. M. (30. 9. bis 2.10.2019)
Mit einem Workshop zum Thema „Human in Vitro Models – Biology meets Technology”, konzipiert und organisiert von Prof. Dr. Maike Windbergs von der Universität Frankfurt a.M., wird den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit geboten, hinter die Kulissen der wissenschaftlichen Anstrengungen zu schauen, Versuche zur Forschung nach und an neuen Arzneimitteln ohne den Einsatz von Tierversuchen möglichst aussagekräftig für deren Anwen-dung am Menschen zu gestalten. Zahlreiche neue und spektakuläre Methoden sind in den letzten Jahren dazu entwickelt worden, die auf dem Workshop vorgestellt und bewertet werden.
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Maike Windbergs, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences
Dates: 30.9.-2.10.2019
Location: Goethe University, Campus Riedberg, Otto-Stern-Zentrum, Lecture Hall 5, Ruth-Moufang-Str. 2, 60438 Frankfurt am Main
Program: 2 days conference (talks and posters) and 1 day lab courses The detailed Detailed program download
The workshop will serve as a scientific exchange platform for experienced as well as early stage scientists! International renowned scientific experts in the field of human in vitro models will provide recent insights into established models as well as present novel cutting edge research and techniques for emulating the human body in a dish.
Different sessions will be focusing on:
- complex 3D in vitro models of human organs
- disease models (e.g. inflammation, infection)
- novel technologies (e.g. organ-on-chip, bioprinting)
- advanced analytics (e.g. label-free imaging, automated quantitative analysis)
- computational simulations
PhD students and postdocs are highly encouraged to submit abstracts for poster presentations. Selected abstracts will be upgraded for short oral presentations. In addition, lab courses are offered providing hands-on-training including different in vitro models and their applications.
Registration: Submit the form (see QR code) to galenus-workshop@dlist.server.uni-frankfurt.de
Registration form download
PhD students: 120 € (copy of a valid student card or written confirmation required)
Academics: 150 €
Industry: 250 €
Fees include admission to scientific conference, lunch and coffee breaks, conference dinner and practical sessions (upon availability).
Abstract submission: Submit the form (see QR code) to galenus-workshop@dlist.server.uni-frankfurt.de
Abstract form download
Deadline for registration and abstract submission is 15th September 2019.
Monday, 30th September
8:00-9:00: Registration
9:00-9:30: Welcome Address (Dr. Sonntag and Prof. Windbergs)
Session 1: Lung models
9:30-10:00:Prof. Amir Ghaemmaghami (University of Nottingham) “Biomimetic models of human lung for disease modelling”
10:00 - 10:30: Prof. Franziska Mattha?us (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies) “Analysis and modelling of human lung cell migration in health and disease”
10:30 - 11:00: Coffee and posters
Session 2: Cells and fluids
11:00-11:30: Prof. Andreas Dietzel (Technical University Braunschweig)
“Lab on a chip: The future of human cell and tissue assays”
11:30 - 12:00: Giulia Raggi (Alveolix, Bern)
“Advanced microfluidic in vitro models of the alveolar barrier”
12:00 - 13:30: Lunch
Session 3: Skin models
13:30-14:15: Keynote Lecture: Prof. Joke Bouwstra (Leiden University) “From cells to tissues - advances in emulating the human skin”
14:15-14:45: Prof. Ana Melero (University of Valencia)
“Drug depth profiling in excised human skin”
14:45-15:15: Dr. Alexa Patzelt (Charite? Berlin)
“Targeting the follicular pathway: perspectives for in vitro testing”
15:15-16:00: Coffee and poster walk (authors @ posters, review by award committee)
Session 4: Selected Talks
16:00-17:30: Short talks selected from the submitted abstracts
From 17:30: Social event and conference dinner
Tuesday, 1st October
Session 5: Blood brain barrier models
9:00-9:30: Prof. Thomas Durcan (McGill University, Montre?al)
“Induced pluripotent stem cells for emulating the blood brain barrier”
9:30-10:00: Dr. Sylvia Wagner (Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Sulzbach)
“Reconstructing the blood-brain barrier for transport studies”
10:00-10:30: Coffee and Posters
Session 6: Intestine models
10:30-11:00: Dr. Brigitta Loretz (Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland)
“Human in vitro models of the inflamed intestinal mucosa for drug delivery testing”
11:00-11:30: Dr. Andrea Introini (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm)
“Patient-derived cell assays targeting inflammatory bowel diseases”
Session 7: Tissue models
11:30-12:00: Prof. Torsten Blunk (University Clinics, Wu?rzburg)
“Adipose tissue engineering by mesenchymal stem cells”
12:00-12:30: Dr. Annemarie Lang (Charite?, Berlin)
„Human in vitro models for studying cartilage inflammation and repair”
12:30-14:00: Lunch
Session 8: Analytical techniques
14:00-14:30: Dr. Florian Becker-Gro?ber (Fraunhofer Translational Center Regenerative Therapies, Wu?rzburg)
“Impedance spectroscopy for non-destructive evaluation of epithelial barriers”
14:30-15:00: 0Dr. Marius Hittinger (Pharmbiotec GmbH, Saarbru?cken)
“Advances for analyzing aerosol-to-cell delivery at the air-liquid interface”
15:00-15:30: Coffee
Session 7: From research to standardized application
15:30-15:50: Genoskin
15:50-16:10: Teledyne Hanson
16:10-16:30: CellInk
16:30-17:00: Award ceremony and closing remarks
From 17:00: Lab tours and get together
Wednesday, 2nd October
Lab courses including:
9:00-13:00: Module I: Tissue engineering (e.g. bioprinting, electrospinning)
Module II: Human skin models and skin absorption testing
Module III: Human lung models (e.g. lung-on-a-chip, inhalation testing)
Module IV: Analytical techniques (e.g. impedance spectroscopy)